Exploring the experiences and perceptions of culinary tourists (Study in Balikpapan City, Indonesia) Open Access





Culinary tourism has recently become the most dynamic and expansive global trend and continues to experience positive developments in many countries, one of which is Indonesia. However, the existence of food-related tourism often ignores the expectations of tourists themselves. This paper aims to analyze the  perceptions  and  experiences  of  tourists  in  the  development  of culinary tourism which is still neglected in the literature. Data collection was carried out through a survey by distributing questionnaires to 109 local tourists who had visited or were currently visiting five culinary tourism destinations in the city of Balikpapan (Wisata Kuliner Taman Bekapai, Wisata Kuliner Pasar Segar, Wisata Kuliner Coto Makassar, Wisata Kuliner Ruko Bandar Dan Wisata Kuliner Pantai Melawai). The data that has been obtained were analyzed descriptively (arithmetic average) with the help of SPSS 21.0. The results of the analysis show that tourists' perceptions of local food that characterize culinary tourism destinations are (x = 4.53, SD = 0.58), and the average tourist experience of pleasant food in terms of taste is (x = 4.34, SD = 0.65). In this study, both of them got the highest average value of the 18 items tested. This study contributes to the culinary tourism development literature based on tourist  expectations and  contributes practically  to  stakeholders in  the field of tourism and culinary tourism in making optimal use of their resources.


culinary tourism, culinary tourists , tourist perception , tourist experience, culinary tourism development


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How to Cite

Gozali, G. (2024). Exploring the experiences and perceptions of culinary tourists (Study in Balikpapan City, Indonesia). Journal of Rural Tourism , 1(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.70310/vnax2y98


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