Review of culinary tourism development policy in Indonesia Open Access


  • 1) Ria Setyawati Doktoral Program, Department of Tourism, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia



Tourist destinations globally are increasingly focusing on developing their culinary identities to enhance sustainable tourism. The UNWTO supports this trend by promoting culinary tourism through knowledge sharing and practical models, aiming to attract tourists to unique regional attractions. This study examines the Indonesian government's strategies for advancing culinary tourism, as articulated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf). Key initiatives include the "Indonesia Spice Up the World" program and the designation of prominent culinary destinations such as Bali and Yogyakarta. Despite these efforts, Indonesia has yet to fully establish itself as a premier culinary tourism destination. Insights are drawn from neighboring countries like Hong Kong and Singapore, which successfully leverage food as a strategic tourism resource. The study highlights the need for holistic tourism policies that integrate food into broader development strategies and emphasizes the importance of chef competence in enhancing culinary tourism. Future policy directions should focus on leveraging food as a tool for national development, extending to rural areas, and integrating culinary tourism within the entire food supply chain. This comprehensive approach aims to preserve culinary traditions while promoting sustainable tourism growth.


culinary tourism, sustainable tourism , tourism policy , indonesian tourism strategy


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How to Cite

Setyawati, R. (2024). Review of culinary tourism development policy in Indonesia. Journal of Rural Tourism , 1(1), 33-39.


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