Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025): JRT: January - June (In Progress)

					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025): JRT: January - June  (In Progress)

All articles in this issue (10 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 35 authors from 2 countries: Indonesia and India


Published: 18-01-2025

Original Articles

  • Digitalization in Mycelia Forest Management, Cikole Village: Innovative efforts towards sustainable tourism Open Access

    Desy Nur Aini Fajri, Intan Pratiwi (Author)

Article in Press

  • Culinary potential based on local food (sweet potato) in the cultural tourism of Pacet's Keramat Market Open Access

    Anita Anita, Nuril Ahmad, Eko Sutrisno, Rakhmad Wahyudi (Author)
  • Planning and designing a masterplan for the toga industry eduwisata in Kebuntunggul Village, Mojokerto, Indonesia Open Access

    Wuwuh Asrining, Rakhmad Wahyudi, M. Adik Rudiyanto, Nuril Ahmad (Author)
  • Rural tourism and its sustainability in Kashmir: A study of district Shopian Open Access

    Danish Iqbal Raina, Sajad Ahmad Bhat, Ajaz Dar, Khushboo Bilal (Author)
  • A concentrate on difficulties and potentially open doors looked at by feminist business visionaries in the tourism industry in India Open Access

    Khushboo Bilal, Sajad Ahmad Bhat (Author)
  • Exploration of consumer behavior changes post-pandemic in the tourism sector Open Access

    Novi Hidayah, Marshella Aprillia Setiawan, Ridho Arrozaq Nur Ramadhan, Mochammad Revaldo Pangestu, Abdurrazak Afifi, Yuningsih (Author)
  • Evaluating the quality of culinary tourism in Kopi Klothok: Challenges and consumer perceptions Open Access

    Putri Indah Husnul Khotimah, Marcella Claresta Wahjudi, Nanda Syhalom Ramli (Author)
  • Optimizing the quality of service excellence through the application of technology In Bale Tirto, Klaten Open Access

    Elvis Aguilera, Gefira Mokoginta, M Kresna Daffa Marta Lingga, Hesti Purwaningrum (Author)
  • Optimizing quality assurance and service quality staff in improving guest satisfaction at Phoenix Hotel, Yogyakarta Open Access

    Sekar Cahyaningrum, Imanuel Rizal Saputra, Kezia Tifa Aprilria (Author)
  • The impact of tourism on the sustainability of Gili Trawangan as a natural tourist destination Open Access

    Adrienta Nayasha Shalsabilla, Mirna Irawan, Muthia A Rafa (Author)