Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025): JRT: January - June (In Progress)

					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025): JRT: January - June  (In Progress)

All articles in this issue (10 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 37 authors from 2 countries: Indonesia and India


Published: 18-01-2025

Original Articles

  • Digitalization in Mycelia Forest Management, Cikole Village: Innovative efforts towards sustainable tourism Open Access

    Desy Nur Aini Fajri, Intan Pratiwi (Author)

Article in Press

  • Culinary potential based on local food (sweet potato) in the cultural tourism of Pacet's Keramat Market Open Access

    Anita Anita, Nuril Ahmad, Eko Sutrisno, Rakhmad Wahyudi (Author)
  • Planning and designing a masterplan for the toga industry eduwisata in Kebuntunggul Village, Mojokerto, Indonesia Open Access

    Wuwuh Asrining, Rakhmad Wahyudi, M. Adik Rudiyanto, Nuril Ahmad (Author)
  • Rural tourism and its sustainability in Kashmir: A study of district Shopian Open Access

    Danish Iqbal Raina, Sajad Ahmad Bhat, Ajaz Dar, Khushboo Bilal (Author)
  • A concentrate on difficulties and potentially open doors looked at by feminist business visionaries in the tourism industry in India Open Access

    Khushboo Bilal, Sajad Ahmad Bhat, Danish Iqbal Raina, Ajaz Dar (Author)
  • Indonesian government budget efficiency, concerns and its impact on the tourism sector: A qualitative study Open Access

    Tri Akbar Handoko, Syamsul Pahmi, Gozali Gozali, Mahsun Mahsun, Zulkarnain Zulkarnain (Author)
  • Exploration of consumer behavior changes post-pandemic in the tourism sector Open Access

    Novi Hidayah, Marshella Aprillia Setiawan, Ridho Arrozaq Nur Ramadhan, Mochammad Revaldo Pangestu, Abdurrazak Afifi, Yuningsih (Author)
  • Evaluating the quality of culinary tourism in Kopi Klothok: Challenges and consumer perceptions Open Access

    Putri Indah Husnul Khotimah, Marcella Claresta Wahjudi, Nanda Syhalom Ramli (Author)
  • Optimizing the quality of service excellence through the application of technology In Bale Tirto, Klaten Open Access

    Elvis Aguilera, Gefira Mokoginta, M Kresna Daffa Marta Lingga, Hesti Purwaningrum (Author)
  • The impact of tourism on the sustainability of Gili Trawangan as a natural tourist destination Open Access

    Adrienta Nayasha Shalsabilla, Mirna Irawan, Muthia A Rafa (Author)