Rural tourism and its sustainability in Kashmir: A study of district Shopian Open Access


  • 1) Danish Iqbal Raina Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri, India
  • 2) Sajad Ahmad Bhat Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri, India
  • 3) Ajaz Dar Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri, India
  • 4) Khushboo Bilal Chandigarh University, Punjab, India


The current study discusses the issues related to rural tourism and its sustainability in Kashmir, with a special focus on District Shopian. The research delves into the reactions and perceptions of local residents regarding the impacts of tourism, while also exploring the various challenges hindering the growth and development of sustainable rural tourism. The findings reveal that residents are concerned about the exploitation of local natural and cultural resources for tourism purposes, recognizing that the negative consequences often outweigh the perceived benefits. The study emphasizes the limited participation of locals in government rural tourism initiatives, which are seen as yielding minimal benefits for village inhabitants. The study calls for the reconsideration of current policies, suggesting that the successful realization of sustainable rural tourism, one that fosters genuine community engagement, requires significant reforms. This research provides new insights into the complex dynamics of rural tourism and the importance of aligning it with local needs and sustainable development goals.


Rural, Tourism , Sustainability, Kashmir, Shopian


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How to Cite

Raina, D. I. ., Bhat, S. A., Dar, A. ., & Bilal , K. (2025). Rural tourism and its sustainability in Kashmir: A study of district Shopian. Journal of Rural Tourism , 3(1).


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