Culinary potential based on local food (sweet potato) in the cultural tourism of Pacet's Keramat Market Open Access


  • 1) Anita Anita Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Majapahit Islamic University, Mojokerto
  • 2) Nuril Ahmad Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Majapahit Islamic University, Mojokerto
  • 3) Eko Sutrisno Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Majapahit Islamic University, Mojokerto
  • 4) Rakhmad Wahyudi Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Majapahit Islamic University, Mojokerto


Cultural tourism that carries the concept of local tourism is one effective way to support the regional economy while preserving local traditions and culinary riches. The development of this sector not only attracts tourists, but also creates jobs and increases the income of the local community. Pacet is one of the villages in Mojokerto that has a cultural tourism village that carries the concept of traditional culinary (traditional snacks) called the Keramat market. The purpose of this study was to identify the potential of food made from local resources (sweet potatoes) as a support for cultural tourism in the Keramat market and to modify sweet potato recipes to be innovative and in accordance with the times. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The research data obtained from interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and experiments with modified sweet potato-based foods. The number of respondents used was 30 seller respondents determined purposively. The results of this study are the highest percentage of sellers, namely cenil food with 5 traders 16.67%, then gatot and tiwul food 4 traders 13.33%, puthu 4 traders 13.33%, sundhuk urut 4 traders 13.33%, dawet drinks 3 traders 10%, horok-horok 2 traders 6.68%, corn, sweet potatoes and boiled peanuts 2 traders 3.33% and ronde 3.33%. The potential of local resources that can support cultural tourism in the sacred market by modifying sweet potato commodities which are local Pacet resources into processed silky sweet potato pudding and sweet potato mayang cake. From the two menus, they were modified by adding other ingredients such as sweet potatoes from carbohydrates, coconut milk containing vegetable fat and milk containing animal protein.


Local Food, Sweet Potato, Cultural Tourism, Modification


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How to Cite

Anita, A., Ahmad, N. ., Sutrisno, E. ., & Wahyudi, R. . (2025). Culinary potential based on local food (sweet potato) in the cultural tourism of Pacet’s Keramat Market. Journal of Rural Tourism , 3(1).


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